1) Gerunds and infinitives
1.1.) Gerunds
1.1.1.) Common verbs and expressions followed by the gerund
1.2.) Infinitives
1.2.1.) Common adjectives followed by the infinitive
1.2.2.) Common verbs and expressions followed by the infinitive
1.2.3.) Common verbs followed by and object +infinitive
1.3.) Verbs and expressions followd by a gerund or infinitive
1.3.1.) Verbs of sense / perception
1.3.2.) Verbs and expressions followed by a gerund or an infinitive without a change in meaning
1.4.) Verbs followed by a gerund or infinitive with a change in meaning
2) PPT Practice
3) Online practice
1) Gerunds and infinitives
1.1.) Gerunds
1.1.1.) Common verbs and expressions followed by the gerund
(VERB + - ING)
I am used to waking up at 6.30 on Mondays.
She ended up telling him the truth.
I understand learning this by heart is difficult, but practise makes perfect.
1.2.) Infinitives
1.2.1.) Common adjectives followed by the infinitive
She was afraid to follow him into the cave.
I was happy to spend the afternoon with you.
She wasn't willing to help us clean up after the party.
1.2.2.) Common verbs and expressions followed by the infinitive
I decided not to share it with her.
I refused to call him by that name.
We promised to spend another weekend together.
1.2.3.) Common verbs followed by an object +infinitive

She asked him to help her with her homework.
The traffic caused many people to be late this morning.
She told him she wanted him to finish the project that afternoon.
1.3.) Verbs and expressions followed by a gerund or an infinitive
1.3.1.) Verbs of sense / perception
These verbs can be followed by a noun / pronoun + gerund / base form. Some of these verbs are:
feel look see
hear notice smell
listen observe watch
- Example of a verb of sense / perception + noun / pronoun + gerund (to describe an action that is / was in progress)
I saw Sam jogging in the park (while he was listening to music).
- Example of a verb of sense / perception + noun / pronoun + base form (to describe an action that is complete)
I heard Ana talk to her classmate about what had happened during the break.
1.3.2.) Verbs and expressions followed by a gerund or an infinitive without a change in meaning
begin continue intend prefer
can't bear hate love start
The student began to read the book outloud.
The student began reading the book outloud.
I hate knowing I've forgotten something.
I hate to know I've forgotten somthing.
I prefer listening to upbeat music while I do some chores.
I prefer to listen to upbeat music while I do some chores.
1.4.) Verbs followed by a gerund or an infinitive with a change in meaning
forget need remember try
go on regret stop
a.1. Forget what happened: I'll never forget going to the movies for the first time.
a.2. Forget to do something: I forgot to do the essay the teacher had requested.
b) GO ON
b.1. To continue doing the same thing: She took a brief break and then went on studying.
b.2. To start something new: The minister talked about education and then he went on to talk about health.
c.1. Something needs to be done about something else (meaning is in the passive): The plant needs watering.
c.2. It is necessary for me to do something: I need to do the shopping today.
d.1. Be sorry about what happened: I now regret saying what I said.
d.2. Be sorry about something unpleasant one must do: I regret to inform you that your services are no longer needed.
e.1. Remember what happened ( memory): I remember locking the door.
e.2. Remember what to do (mental note for the future): Please remember to read the post in ourGoogle classroom this afternoon.
f.1. Stop a habit or an activity: He stopped smoking.
f.2. Stop in order to do something: He stopped to drink some water.
g) TRY
g.1. To experiment: I tried studying Japanese although I knew it would be very challenging.
g.2. To attempt to do something: I tried to warn you that it was not a good idea to do that.
2) PPT Practice
3) Online practice
1. Gerunds and infinitives exercise 1
2. Gerunds and infinitives exercise 2
3. Gerunds and infinitives exercise 3
4. Verb + object + gerund / infinitive
5. Verb + object + gerund / infinitive exercise 2
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